Saturday, May 18, 2013

Old Clothes, New Tricks

Update on Clothing Overhaul:

I went through my dresses this past week.  This, I knew, was going to be the hardest part for me.  I love dresses.  They are easy, comfortably and preeeeety.  My goal was 6 dresses.  At the end of my first survey, I had 19 in my "keep" pile.  NINETEEN.  Y'all, that's more than THREE TIMES my goal.  (don't worry, my dad is a math teacher and my brother is a physicist.  I can totally do math...)  The point is, we're going to work on this more this coming week and maybe I'll have to re-organize my percentages and give myself a few more dresses and less of something else.

In the meantime, I've scoured the interwebs and found a few websites with great ideas for ways to recycle clothing that I can't (or, for sentimental reasons, don't want to) donate.  There are some wonderful ideas here, so check these out:

My friend Rachael (who lives and loves organically in South Africa and has an amazingly creative young daughter who could make these t-shirt bags in 2 minutes) shared this site with me.

If you're like me and can't do anything that takes skill, check out these ten no-sew t-shirt up-cycle projects.  My favorite part?  NO SEW.

Two words: Free Cardigan.  This is seriously so cool.  I looooovre cardigans.

Also, Free Vest.

Grocery Bags!  Grocery bags from t-shirts.  Brilliant.  My husband and I have such a difficult time remembering to bring our reusable fabric bags to the Grocery Store, so I figure the more I have, the more I can stash in my car so I'll just have them there when I need them.  And, guys, I have lots of t-shirts.  I lived inside a theatre for twelve years of my life and have a bazillion show t-shirts to prove it.  But I hardly wear them.  What a better way to remember those shows AND help the environment?!

I'm definitely going to teach my old clothes some of these new tricks.


  1. Brilliant, Amy! You are always the creative one!

  2. Brilliant, Amy! Love your heart and your creativity!
